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We serve four stages: prison reentry, substance abuse, and mental health issues as well as clients with mental health disabilities with a 24-hour wraparound service which transition into permanent housing, onsite transportation, drug/alcohol rehabilitation, outreach, and emergency shelter, peer-support, and the five key models, Resources on H.I.V. awareness, educational goals, as well as a pending fitness and wellness program for men and women.


Resources will be provided to persons with mental health/mental health disabilities and homeless and their family members about access to the following:


  • Safe and sober living environment 

  •  non-sectarian value-based support/Spirit Life

  • ABC of Manhood

  • Alcohol and other drug referrals 

  • Substance abuse/Maladaptive behavior counseling 

  • Compass Behavioral Health Therapist

  • Parenting education/Father engagement

  • Anger and stress management

  • Resources on detoxification (DETOX) programs 

  • Resources to Inpatient/Outpatient level of care programs 

  • Resources to mental health programs 

  • Veteran service personnel referrals 

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